Confucius Institute - Budapest, Hungary

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Yearbook - 2009

Konfuciusz nyelvtanfolyam

A new language course has begun for officials in Ministries

September 8, 2009.

On September 8, 2009, a new language course has started for officials at different Ministries. A hundred and seven people applied for the language course from different Ministries that is organized by the Confucius Institute.


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At the opening ceremony the following persons were present: Wang Qingnian, Head of the Educational Department of the Chinese Embassy, Dr. István Teplán, representing the Government, Dr. Imre Hamar, General Director at Confucius Institute, Guo Xiaojing, Assistant Director at Confucius Institute. After some short greetings, the officials from different departments have begun their language courses from the Great Wall Chinese language book that was developed by the Chinese Language teacher’s Council.


Konfuciusz intézet a Nyelvparádén

Confucius Institute at Nyelvparádé (Language Learning Fair)

September 9-13, 2009.

ELTE Confucius Institute participated for the first time at Nyelvparádé (Language Learning Opportunity Fair), on September 9-13, 2009. The Stand of Confucius Institute: B pavilion F 21 –


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Our Pavilion was in the street of the „national language institutes”, next to Goethe Institute, the French Institute, Instituto Cervantes and the British Council. Our participation was considered a great success. In 5 days, we met an estimated 10 thousand visitors, and 200 of those applied for our free of charge language courses. Four thousand of the visitors took our colorful brochure, “China – the Land of Opportunities”, that was published especially for this occasion. One thousand five hundred chose another of our publication, Konfuciusz Krónika 2009/1. There was also great interest in the many books that were generously given to us by the Chinese Embassy. Kozjek-Gulyás Anett, Educational Director gave professional information to our visitors all through the Fair. The students from the Chinese Linguistic Department helped her. Special programs helped to make our exhibition more interesting and they were hugely successful as our pictures are demonstrating it. The students of the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual Elementary School gave a now well-established dance show that was also a huge success.


Gao Jian úrnő, Kína rendkívüli és meghatalmazott nagykövete

Reception for Dame Gao Jian

September 15, 2009.

There was a reception where Dame Gao Jian, new Ambassador of The Chinese People’s Republic to Hungary was introduced. The management of ELTE Confucius Institute was also invited.


Sajtó tájékoztató a Konfuciusz Intézetben

Press Conference – Introducing the new publication, The Far-Eastern Review

September 15, 2009.

Imre Hamar General Editor, who expressed his gratitude to the authors and editors who contributed for The Far-Eastern Review, opened the lively press conference. He also thanked the ELTE Confucius Institute and The Far-Eastern Institute for their contribution.


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Mr. Hamar emphasized that the scientific journal will be published twice a year and will give publication opportunities for the employees of The Institute as well as for other scientific researchers. Young researchers and Ph.D. aspirants will be encouraged to publish their first works here.
Professor Róna-Tas András, member of MTA introduced the publication to the public. He gave a detailed analysis of the studies in the publication. According to Professor Róna-Tas, the publication will be of interest also for the general public. He compared the importance of the present publication to the world famous Hungarian publication, Keleti Szemle (Oriental Review).
Electronic variety of the publication is available in full at the web page of the Confucius Institute


A Kínai Írószövetség delegációja

Chinese Writer Delegation visits Hungary

September 16, 2009.

A Chinese writer’s delegation was visiting Confucius Institute in Hungary, where Imre Hamar, Director as well as the management of the Institute, received them.


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The Guests:
Zhang Jian, General Secretary of the National Writers union;
Lu Xun, Director of the Polite Letters Institute;
Zhu Xiangqian, reviewer, Professor at Military Art College;
Wang Xiangfu, writer, President of Da Tong town’s Writers Union;
Yang Xiaomin, Head of Department at CCTV;
Li Danya, writer, Professor at Chinese Language Department at Xia Men University;
Wu Xinwei, associate of the International department of the National Writers Union.

The guests apparently felt at home during their visit since the lively discussion was held in their mother tongue.


Kalligráfia bemutató a Hopp Ferenc Múzeumban

Cultural Heritage Days at Hopp Ferenc Museum

September 19, 2009.

ELTE Confucius Institute organized a successful calligraphy exhibition this year again at Ferenc Hopp Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts. The participants could listen to a lecture (Zoltán Csányi) about the history of calligraphy and were invited to try their hands in making their own calligraphy guided by calligraphy Master Yu Zemin.



Az ELTE Konfuciusz Intézet küldöttsége Kolozsvárott

Delegation of Confucius Institute visits Kolozsvár

September 21, 2009.

On September 21, 2009. the new Babeş-Bolyai Confucius Institute was established in cooperation with Babeş-Bolyai Science University (BBTE) and Zhejiangi Natural Sciences and Technology University in Kolozsvár.


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This is the second Confucius Institute – following the one, opened earlier in Nagyszeben – in Rumania. At the opening ceremony of the new Institute were present Andrei Marga, Dean of BBTE, Du Wei, Dean of Zhejiang partner university, Liu Zengwen, China’s Ambassador in Bucarest, Natalia Intotero, State Secretary of Rumania. Dr. Imre Hamar, Director of The ELTE Confucius Institute as well as Dr. Gergely Salát and Melinda Pap from Kolozsvár were also represented at the ceremony. The two Confucius Institutes are planning to cooperate in the future as well which is helped by the geographical proximity as well as the traditionally warm relations between the two Institutes.


A kecskeméti Bolyai János Gimnázium

Regional Center in Kecskemét

September 21, 2009.

On September 21, 2009 - a delegation, led by the Chinese Director Guo Xiaojing from Confucius Institute was visiting Bolyai János High school in Kecskemét. Dr. Főzőné Éva Tímár, Principal and Dr. István Kovács, Deputy Principal met the visitors. Katalin Sóvágó, head of the Local Council was also present at the meeting.


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The main topic of the discussion was the plan of the Confucis Institute to establish a regional center in Kecskemét to be placed at the Bolyai János High school. Tamás Faragó, who will be responsible for the adult educational programs, was also present at the meeting. The meeting was concluded on a positive note, namely, it will be presented to the Beijing Head Office and to the Councilors of Kecskemét.


Sajtótájékoztató a magyarországi Kínai Kulturális Fesztiválról

2009. szeptember 25.

Csák Ferenc, az Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium nemzetközi szakállamtitkára sajtótájékoztatót tartott, s azon megjelent Guo Jian, Kína Magyarországra akkreditált nagykövete, Liu Wenqing, a Kínai Népköztársaság budapesti nagykövetségének kulturális tanácsosa, Dr. Hamar Imre, az ELTE Távol-Keleti Intézet és a Konfuciusz Intézet igazgatója, illetve Guo Xiaojing, a Konfuciusz Intézet igazgató-helyettese.

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Csák Ferenc ismertette a kínai-magyar diplomáciai kapcsolatfelvétel 60. évfordulója alkalmából rendezendő fesztivál és ennek keretein belül az ELTE Konfuciusz Intézet programjait, s bemutatta a fesztivál műsorfüzetét, melybe Hiller István oktatási és kulturális miniszter és Cai Wu kulturális miniszter írt köszöntőt.

Kínai Kulturális Fesztivál Magyarországon 2009. szeptember 13. - október 25.

A kínai-magyar diplomáciai kapcsolatfelvétel 60. évfordulója alkalmából hazánkban nagyszabású fesztivál megrendezésére kerül sor, melynek az Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium, a Kínai Népköztársaság Kulturális Minisztériuma a támogatója, s egyik fő rendezője a Konfuciusz Intézet.
A fesztivál kiemelkedő eseménye a kínai filmhét (Uránia Nemzeti Filmszínház szeptember 25 – október 1), A magyar-kínai kapcsolatok 60 éve konferencia (Konfuciusz Intézet október 3) és a Kínai zene- és mozgásművészeti gálaműsor (Konfuciusz Intézet október 10), melyre neves kínai művészi együttesek mutatnak be.

A legfrissebb hírünk: a Kulturális Fesztivál keretén belül (október 16-17) hazánkba látogat Xu Lin, a Konfuciusz Intézetek Világhálózatának elnöke!


Ginko falevelek


October 2-3, 2009

Part of the Chinese Cultural Festival in Hungary series (September 13 – October 25, 2009.) The Ginko-days were opened by the greeting words of Liu Wenqing, Cultural Councillor of the Budapest Embassy of the Chinese People’s Republic,...

Pictures - October 2.      Pictures - October 3.

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... followed by the ceremonial opening speech by Dr. László Orlóci, Director of ELTE Fűvészkert. Dr. Imre Hamar, General Director of the Confucius Institute and Guo Xiaojing, Assistant Director were also present at the event. On October 3rd there were lectures and a tea ceremony also at the Confucius Institute.

Géza Kósa, Head of Department of MTA Ecology and Botanical Research Institute
China, mother of gardens
Márk Oravecz, M.D., graduated from the Traditional Chinese Medical University in Heilongjiang.
Medicine in plants and trees – practical application of Chinese herbs.
Dániel Tran, student at ELTE Chinese Department
The history of Chinese tea and tea preparation
Lívia Szentmártoni, Cultural program organizer of Confucius Institute
The art of Chinese tea preparation (tea ceremony with sampling)
The program of Füvészkert: :


Konferencia: A magyar-kínai kapcsolatok 60 éve – 2009. október 3.

Conference: Connections between Hungary and China – 60 years

October 3, 2009

In the course of the Chinese Cultural Festival in Hungary (September 13 – October 25, 2009), a Conference was organized to celebrate the occasion that diplomatic relationship was established between Hungary and China sixty years ago.


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The topics of the Conference included the following: past, present and future possibilities for the relations between the two countries, and the lessons tat can be learnt for future development for both countries. The Conference was organized in cooperation with MTA World Economic Research Institute.


Kínai nyelvtanfolyam indult a Zrínyi Miklós Nemzetvédelmi Egyetemen

Chinese Language course commences at Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University

October 5, 2009

Confucius Institute commences language course at another University. On October 5 2009 there was a small celebration at Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University for the students, 83 exactly, who had applied for the Chinese language course.


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Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, lieutenant colonel, acting dean opened the ceremony and afterwards, Wang Li, Chinese attaché of the Chinese People’s Republic, greeted the students. Further "encouraging" speeches were given by Wang Qingnian, Head of the Education Department of the Chinese Embassy, by Ferenc Gresnyer, Colonel, and Head of Department of the National Defense Ministry and by Prof. Dr. Imre Hamar, Director of the Confucius Institute. After the genial meeting, the courses started in three groups.


Kínai előadások Veszprémben

Lectures about China in Veszprém

October 9, 2009

On October 9 2009, employees of the ELTE Confucius Institute visited Lovassy László High School in Veszprém during the student day and gave different programs in order to familiarize the students with Chinese culture.


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Dr. Imre Hamar general Director – former student of the High School – who talked about Chinese Buddhism, Dr. Gergely Salát’s lecture was about Chinese rock and pop music and Alíz Horváth, who talked about Shandong province and about her scholarship experiences there, gave the lectures. Dánile Tran gave a tea ceremony demonstration and Zsuzsanna Karsai was teaching calligraphy to the interested students. Lovassy is among the best High Schools in Hungary and one of the fifteen High Schools where the ELTE Confucius Institute has started Chinese language courses from this year.


Szerződéskötés az MTA PTI-ben

Chinese Language course at MTA Political Science Institute

October 10, 2009

A cooperation agreement has been signed by József Bayer, Director of MTA Political Science Institute and by Prof. Dr. Imre Hamar, Director of the Confucius Institute for organizing Chinese language courses for the research team of the Political Science Institute.



Őszi Konfuciusz Gála

Fall Confucius Gala Show Program

October 10, 2009, 18:00
Place: 1056 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3.

Our Institute has organized this year again the traditional music and body movement Gala Show Program where the guests were entertained by the ensemble of the Chinese Trade University.


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The Program

1. Traditional Chinese Martial Art show
2. Dai folk dance show: Emeraldgreen, Rocking Peacock
3. Traditional Chinese acrobatics: with balls
4. Traditional Chinese cither solo: Snowy Mountain, Early Spring
5. Acrobatics: Rolling Umbrellas
6. Yi folkdance: Fancy Clouds
7. Acrobatics: Ballancing with cups on "high bicycle"
8. Songs: Jasmineflower, Hungarian Dance
9. Acrobatics: Diabolo
10. Martial Art Show: Wudang style sword exercise
11. Acrobatics: Rolling Glass
12. Dance: Five Loop Dance
13. Acrobatics: Balancing on one hand
14. Martial Art and Calligraphy Show: Taiji and Calligraphy duo
15. Song: Jierla

The Ensemble of the Foreign Trade University was giving their 2009 guest performance with the Friendship through Cultures slogan organized by the European Confucius Institutes.

A frankfurti könyvvásár plakátja

Confucius Insttitute at the Frankfurti Book Fare

October 12-16, 2009-11-19

On the invitation of the Hanban ELTE Confucius Institute also participated in the 61st Frankfurt Book Fare. This year the Chinese People’s Republic was the guest of honor.


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At the opening ceremony Dr. Imre Hamar, Director, Guo Xiaojing, Deputy Director and Lívia Szentmártoni cultural program organizer, represented the Institute. Madam Xu Lin, General Director of Hanban also greeted the guests. We look forward to see her in Hungary again. Chinese atmosphere was provided by the ELTE Folkdance Ensemble with their Jasmine flower choreography that was topped by the pop song sang in Chinese by András Tóth, who is finishing his studies at the Chinese Department at ELTE.


Xu Lin Budapesten

Xu Lin, President of the Worldwide Network of the Confucius Institutes visited Hungary

October 16-18, 2009

During the Cultural Festival Xu Lin, President of the Worldwide Network of the Confucius Institutes visited Hungary.

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A delegáció tagai

Xu Lin Budapesten

Discussions at the Ministry of Education and Culture

Dr. Mária Schneider, Cultural Secretary of the Ministry, received the guests


Xu Lin Budapesten

Visit to the Oriental Collection of MTA Library was followed by a short walk by the Danube.


Munkaebéd az MTA székházában

Official lunch at the MTA hall

Prof. Dr. Ferenc Hudecz, Dean of ELTE, President of the Board of Directors of ELTE Confucius Institute received the President of Hanban for an official lunch.


Munkaebéd az MTA székházában

Discussions at ELTE Confucius Institute


Regionális központ avatása Kecskeméten

Commencement of a new Regional Headquarters at Bolyai János High School in Kecskemét

The first Regional Headquarters in Hungary was inaugurated by Xu Lin and by Dr. Főzőné Éva Timár, Principal of János Bolyai High School.


Búcsúest: sétahajóval a Dunán

Farewell: boat trip on the Danube



Konfuciusz intézetek világszerte

Conference of the European Confucius Institutes

October 18-20, 2009
Leuven (Belgium), Group T University

The Conference of the European Confucius Institutes was held between October 18 and 20, in the Belgian city of Leuven at Group T University.

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The motto of the Conference was “Connection and Progress” and European and Chinese leaders of over a hundred European Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms met.At the Conference, five General Directors of the Confucius Institutes were able to give an account of their experiences and work. Dr. Imre Hamar, General Director of ELTE Confucius Institute was one of the five and he suggested that the Hungarian Institute be the Information Headquarters of the European Confucius Institutes. The participants discussed the possibilities for improvement for the next ten years in four sections and the question of preparing Chinese language textbook locally. The training of language teachers of the Chinese language and the importance of the new language examination in accordance with the regulations of the European Union were also discussed. The moderator of one section as Dr. Imre Hamar.



Chinese cooking course with Master Wang

November 4, 2009

November 4th: the start of our cooking class. In the course of which the participants have begun their studies with Wand master, the most famous Chinese chef in Budapest. The classes are held in the Foreign Trade and Catering High and Trade school at Hernád utca.


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Wang Qiang is the first and only master cook in Hungary. He learnt his craft from his grandparents, and perfected it in the best restaurants in Beijing. He strongly believes that the secrets of the five thousand year old Chinese gastronomy can be taught – both its theory and the practical skills. He considers cooking an art form that he popularizes in his restaurant, Wang Master’s Kitchen, in our cooking course and also at other events together with the Gastronomy Fellowship of Lucullus’ Friends Society.


A Sinológus Társaság megalakítása

New Society of Sinologist is formed

November 5, 2009

On November 5, 2009, representatives of Hungarian Sinology gathered at ELTE Confucius Institute for an informal meeting where they decided to form the Society of Hungarian Sinologist.


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To become a member of the society researchers need to do professional research on China, have scientific articles published about China and Chinese culture. The objective of the society is to provide opportunities for researchers for cooperation and support research on sinology in Hungary. The Society will work as an association, supported by ELTE Confucius Institute.


Kulturális délután a Trefort Gimnáziumban

Cultural Tea afternoon at Trefort High-school

November 12, 2009

The now traditional Chinese cultural tea-afternoon was organized again at ELTE Ágoston Trefort High-school. The cultural program was opened by Lívia Szentmártoni, program organizer of ELTE Confucius Institute, followed by opera aria of the artist, Zhang Yu.


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Dániel Istvánffy, graduating student at ELTE Chinese Deaprtment, gave an exciting account of his trip in China. In the course of our food-tasting competition, the students had a chance to taste some real Chinese delicacies, followed by some succulent Chinese tea prepared by Dániel Tran, student at ECI. For the girls, the highlight of the culture afternoon was “Chinese” beauty contest when they could try on some beautiful traditional Chinese silk dresses, qipaos in Chinese. For the necessary transformation the final touch was added by Lilla Kertész, make-up artist, former student of the High school.


Kínai-magyar klub - Jiaozi-party

Chinese-Hungarian - Jiaozi-party

November 19, 2009

ELTE Confucius Institute organized a cheerful jiaozi-party for the students studying Chinese. The participants at the party tried the tasty jiaozi and under the direction of Master Wang, they made themselves some traditional Chinese menu, as pork chops Pekinese style, cucumber salad with garlic and “you blow fire of you taste” spicy cabbage salad. Our pictures show what a fantastic atmosphere there was.



Kínai delegáció a Konfuciusz Intézetben

A delegation of the International Headquarters of Chinese language teaching in Beijing visited ELTE Confucius Institute.

November 19, 2009

During their official visit in Hungary, the delegation of the International Headquarters of Chinese language teaching in Beijing went to the Confucius Institute, too.


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The delegation was met by Dr. Imre Hamar, Director of ECI and Guo Xiaojing, Assistant Director of ECI. During their informal meeting, the Delegation gave an account of importance of the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. They also talked about the work of ECI, about their courses and cultural programs as well as about their plans for the future. New scholarship possibilities were also mentioned by the delegation.


Kulturális délután a Radnóti Gimnáziumban

Cultural Tea afternoon at Radnóti High-school

November 20, 2009

After the Trefort High school, on November 20, a Chinese Cultural tea afternoon was organized by our Institute at ELTE Radnóti Miklós High School. The greatest success was the food tasting competition.


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The pupils interested in Chinise culture, could taste genuine Chinese delicacies here. For the winner, Dániel Molnár, it was not the first time to taste Chinese meals, since he was one of the participants of the Chongqingi Chinese Bridge. His reward was an exclusive Chinese dinner in one of the best Chinese restaurants in Budapest.


Kínai-magyar klub

Chinese-Hungarian Club

November 27, 2009

Every year we organize the Chinese-Hungarian club afternoon with the aim of giving an opportunity for the Hungarian and Chinese youth to meet each other and learn about the other culture, and further develop their language skills.


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The good atmosphere this year was provided by the students from ELTE University Chinese Department, by the pupils, who are studying Chinese from the Trefort and Radnóti High schools, and by the Chinese students, who are studying Hungarian from the Balassi Institute and from the Budapest College of Communication. The Hungarian programs were presented by the Chinese students whereas the Chinese programs were presented by the Hungarian students for the amusements of the other party.


Vetélkedő középiskolásoknak - a győztesek

"Going to Beijing!" - Competition for High School Students

December 4, 2009

On 4 December 2009 ELTE Confucius Institute held a competition for high school students for the first time, entitled „Going to Beijing!”. Students came from high schools where chinese education is organized by ELTE Confucius Institute and they were competing in groups of three.


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Altogether there were 16 teams and the competition challenged their knowledge of China. In the first task the students had to answer questions regarding chinese culture and history. In the second task each group had to carry out a minor lecture –after short preparation- based on pictures depicting a chinese building, person, land, city, etc. In the third task they had to make a copy of an extremely complicated chinese character, and in the last round they had to collect different objects with chopsticks. After the competition the participants had the opportunity to eat some chinese specialities. The competition was won by the group of Veres Péter High School from Békásmegyer (Rebeka Krátky, Tamás Phan Anhphi, Kristóf Szabó): in 2010 they can participate in the Beijing Foreign Language University’s Summer Camp, the costs are fully covered by ELTE Confucius Institute. The second best team was the II. group of Apáczai Csere János High School, while the third best team was the II. group of ELTE Trefort Ágoston High School: they all received books and gift parcels. ELTE Confucius Institute intends to hold competitions similar to this at least once a year in the future.


Conference of Confucius Institutes, Beijing

Conference of Confucius Institutes, Beijing

December 11-13, 2009

The 4. Conference of Confucius Institutes was held in Beijing, to which 280 institute directors were invited. At the opening ceremony 20 institutes and 30 people were honoured for their excellent work, among them was Prof. Dr. Ferenc Hudecz, President of Eötvös Lóránd University.


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Sándor Kusai, the Ambassador of Hungarian Republic also participated in the ceremony and congratulated Prof. Dr. Ferenc Hudecz for his award. After the ceremony, the participants visited an exhibition presenting the work of Confucius Institutes. During the conference Prof. Dr. Ferenc Hudecz held a lecture about the role of Confucius Institutes in society, while Prof. Dr. Imre Hamar reported on his experiences gathered from establishing Confucius Classrooms. On 12 December the guests enjoyed an amazing music and dance show performed by students from all over the world. Seven members from the Eötvös Lóránd University Dance Group also danced a chinese dance. On 13 December the Chinese Secretary of Education acknowledged several institutes in his final speech, among them our ELTE Confucius Institute.
