年制 - 2012
地点:罗兰大学(布达佩斯1088,博物馆环路4/F 柯达依厅)
Az emlékülés részletes programja
2012年11月6日 9:00-17:30
Presentation: Balázs Varga: Ten steps nearness
Zhang Yimou movies and the policy
16 October, 18.00
Location: ELTE-BTK building "R" (Rákóczi street)
The presentation discusses art’s political engagement questions in connection with the life-work of the emblematic representative of contemporary Chinese film.
The creator of The story of Qiu Ju, Raise the Red Lantern, Hero, House of flying daggers, Zhang Yimou, was a celebrated hero of western film festivals in the 1980’s and 90’s, made a name as the creator of blockbusters in the last decade. His career was formed by the impression of authorship and the popular film culture, critical position and political commitment. The interpretations of life-work, what played key role in getting Chinese movie well-known and recognized at national and international level, accurately shows the diverse -and especially significant in cultural globalization- questions of cultural representation and self-exoticism. The presentation studies the problematic of speaking in the social milieu with analyzing the Hero movie through the dynamics of nearness and distance to power.
Researchers’ Night in the Spirit of Chinese Inventions
28 September 2012.
The annual Researchers' Night will be held at the end of September. This evening's presentations will highlight oriental studies as „popular science,” – as a topic that should become familiar to everyone in Hungary.
This year the focus of the ELTE Confucius Institute will be on Chinese inventions. There will be a number of interesting presentations for the public. Visitors will be able to attend seminars by Dr. Imre Hamar (Director of the Institute), Kornélia Major and Csenge Gulyás (both sinologists), and Alíz Horváth (sinologist-japanologist). In addition there will be an exhbition of the Institute's extensive Chinese book collection.
Image source: Wikipédia
A new series of lectures is starting up at the Confucius Institute with the title of ”China and the Arts”.
Beatrix Mecsi: Realism and the Confucian Ideal in East Asian Portraiture
2012. 25 Sept, 18:00
Location: ELTE "Rákóczi street" Building, ground floor 31
A new series of lectures is starting up at the Confucius Institute with the title of ”China and the Arts”.
The opening lecture of the year will be presented by Dr. Beatrix Mecsi, adjunct professor of the ELTE Korean Department, on 25 September at 6 PM. Her presentation, entitled „Realism and the Confucian Ideal in East Asian Portraiture” will deal with various aesthetic theories which underlay East Asian portraits of the last two millennia.
For further information read below:
„The actual depiction of the subject plays an important role in every culture, but especially in the Chinese, where much has been written about the theory of portraiture. I intend to show how various writers theorized about portrait art. For example, Gu Kaizhi (顧愷之ca 344-406 CE) considered the soul of the subject to be most important: it was to be presented with the help of external similarities (chusanshen xiezhao 伝神写照). In contrast, the philosopher Cheng Yi (程頤1033-1107 CE) insisted: „If even one strand of hair is incorrectly placed on the picture, then it is the portrait of a different person.” In Neo-Confucian Korea this approach was taken literally, so that in the Joseon era after 15th century CE, „clinical exactitude” became common, a phenomenon which remained unique in East Asia.
Tea and painting – Confucius Institute in the Museum of Fine Arts
Sept 9.
The closing ceremony of the exhibition ”Openness and Integration – Contemporary Chinese Art” was held on the 9th of September in the Museum of Fine Arts. The evening's events included a traditional Chinese tea ceremony with comments and explanations by Alíz Horváth, cultural program organizer of the Confucius Institute.
This was followed by a round table discussion about the characteristics of modern Chinese art and its reception in Europe, with Dr. Gergely Salát, director of the Modern China Studies Center, also taking part. After the program guests were treated to a special guided tour of the exhibit and were invited to sample several different Chinese teas.
Language learning and calligraphy featured at the Language Parade
Sept 7-9.
Between the 7th and 9th of September a Language Parade was held at the Millenáris Park, where visitors had the chance to meet with the workers of the Confucius Institute as well. At the booth of the institute the interested people could have their questions answered regarding the Chinese language and various language courses.
The event featured new tools used in Chinese language education which have been specifically tailored to Hungarians, including a new Hungarian-Chinese textbook, and various online programs and dictionaries which assist students in their language studies. The Language Parade also included a calligraphy demonstration carried out by Chinese teachers of the institute. Two seminars of great success – hosted by Alíz Horváth and József Terjék on Saturday and Sunday – provided additional details about innovations in domestic Chinese language education and online learning materials.
Dr. Huba Bartos: Flying Tigers - American volunteers in the war against the Japanese in China (1941-1942)
Date: June 26, 18:00
Location: ELTE Rákóczi Street Building, Ground Floor, Room 31.
The American Volunteer Group (AVG), popularly known as the "Flying Tigers" consisted of three fighter squadrons, who were essentially mercenaries, mostly of American origin and US-financed, who ...
... helped the Kuomintang government in the struggle against the Japanese invaders, from December 1941 until mid-1942. At this point the squadrons were integrated into the regular armed forces of the U.S., which had also entered the war in the Asia-Pacific region, thus subtracting them from Chinese control.
The unit's name is still surrounded by legends, and their names (as well as the names of their most successful pilots) are still very well known in both the U.S. and among the personnel of the Taiwan Air Force. One obvious reason is that besides the Allied air forces fighting in the region they were (according to combat statistics) by far the most successful, another likely reason is that they were volunteers: they checked in for front-line service, when (in addition to defending another country), their own homeland, the U.S., was not yet a fighting party.
The lecture will present the short but eventful history of this unit. Dr. Huba Bartos, Associate Professor of the ELTE University, Institute of Far-Eastern Studies, Chinese Departement
Lecture - Balázs Turay: Uighurs – With a photographer's eye
Date: June 12, 18:00
Location: ELTE Rákóczi Street Building, Ground Floor, Conference Room 31
The theme of this slide show presentation is the Uighur community living in Xinjiang province in China.
Balázs Turay, photographer who will give the presentation, has repeatedly visited Northwest China, the former Silk Road oasis cities, and photographed the ruined cities of Turfán, Tunhuang, Jiahoe and Gaochang as well.
The images will be discussed in relation to the history of the region, religion, cultural diversity, the role of Buddhism and Islam, proliferation, and also - as a taster - we will hear about the characteristics of documentary photography, and how to take portrait and landscape pictures.
Chinese afternoon-tales for the younges
Date: June 5, 16:00
Location: 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/F
The young children can recognize the sounds of the Chinese language through short rhymes, songs and tales and under the supervision of our Chinese and Hungarian teachers; they can produce Chinese tissue paper creations as well.
Free calligraphy course
Dates: May 7, 14, 21 and June 4 (Monday)
Calligraphy is highly esteemed traditional art form in China, an important element of Chinese culture and traditional Chinese painting.
Ágnes Tőrös: The past and present of the Chinese exchange rate policy
Date: May 29, 18:00
Location: ELTE Rákóczi Street Building, Ground Floor, Conference Room 31.
According to their own economic and political philosophy and their strategy, countries freely choose their exchange rate policy.
Their choice of which exchange rate system to apply is influenced by various financial and economic conditions. Chinese exchange rate policy has often been in the crossfire of international disputes, as over the past twenty years the exchange rate of the official currency has been mainly linked de facto to the U.S. dollar. Market forces arising from the enforcement of the pricing side of the exchange rate have had both positive and negative effects.
At the presentation, we will review the milestones of this policy, examine the reasons and intentions behind the decisions that have been taken, and then evaluate the opportunities and risks resulting from the exchange rate policy.
Ágnes Tőrös, doctoral candidate of Budapest Corvinus University
Children's Day in the City Park
Date: May 27, 10:00
Location: City Park, Napozórét
The International Children's Safety Service, together with the Metropolitan Municipality, is organizing the Children’s Day series of events for the 22nd time at the City Park of Budapest, where the ELTE Confucius Institute is also represented.
Interactive occupations await children (and adults too of course) who want to become more closely acquainted with Chinese culture, and to get tangible experience of this fascinating country!
5月8日, 2012
从2012年9月开始,在Miskolc的 Ilona Zrínyi高中,中文将成为学生们可以选择的第二外语。
演讲——Gergely Salát 博士 :从中国人民广播到Cosmo
Gergely Salát 博士,汉学家,罗兰大学助理教授,罗兰大学孔子学院当代中国研究中心负责人
地点:布达佩斯 博物馆路4号院内 F楼 邮编:1088
我们热诚欢迎广大中文学生以及感兴趣的观众积极参与。参赛者可以像很多选手那样一展歌喉,也可以表演武术、扇舞或是相声(单口相声或是对口相声皆可)。总之,选手可以任选一以中国文化为主题的节目来展示给观众。 来吧,让我们一睹中国明星的风采!
讲座——Erzsébet Tóth博士: Sándor Kőrösi Csoma 的课本
– 关于西藏文化的第一条信息
地点:1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/B, 217
这本900页厚的,精装的Alphabetum Tibetanum并不能成为经济适用型游客的旅行工具。但Sándor Kőrösi Csoma并没有放弃Augustinian修士的创造,从1822年收到这本书开始,近20年来他与Antonio Agostino Giorgi一起保存着这本书直到他死去。
Erzsébet Tóth博士,罗兰大学内蒙古亚洲研究助理。
讲座- Zsolt Takács:中国海外投资—中国企业在国内与海外的发展及壮
地点:1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/B, 217
毫无疑问 :中国已成为新世纪来的一股强大的经济力量。然而中国贸易的宗旨究竟是什么?
中国(经济)革新的概念是什么?匈牙利应如何增强自身实力去引资?从中国外流出去投资基金的目的地到底是什么? 以上及更多的问题将为那些3月来到孔子学院的人一一解答。
Zsolt Takács,布达佩斯执行理事,中国商业中心, 匈中商会董事会成员。
2012年3月21日 14:00
了解中国文化,哪怕是冰山一角,在21世纪也显得至关重要。 无论科技、贸易、经济还是文化,现代中国在各领域都有抢眼表现。 因此,对于我们崭露头角的新生代来说,了解中国语言和中国文化意味着拥有巨大潜力。2012年春季学期,本院竭诚恭候年轻人们,以及对此感兴趣的人们参加我们在米什科尔茨和佩奇的系列文化活动。
2012年3月14号 18:00
地点:1088 布达佩斯,Múzeum krt. 4/F
地点:Chefparade厨师学校(1094 Budapest, Páva utca 13.)
你对中国烹饪感兴趣吗?是否目前还不止去哪儿拜师学艺呢? ...
讲座:Imre Galambos博士 - 现代文化在中国发展趋势的研究手稿
地点:1088布达佩斯,Múzeum KRT, 4/217.
在20世纪初期,从中国的各个地区发现大量的远古书面记录... ...
其中最为重要的是殷商时期作为占卜用途的甲骨以及公元前两千年末从中国西部的沙漠地区发现写在木板上的文字记录的出现。此外,在这一地区,中国古代的丝绸之路城市——敦煌附近,发现了超过40万件的中世纪手稿,其中有相当一部分被匈牙利出生的Aurél Stein收购运往英国。20世纪70年代起,在一些古墓葬中,大量的小件却极有标志性的手稿被一起发现。现如今还是不断有新的发现,每隔几年,就会有一些新的东西和感觉激发着专业人士,但这些新的材料很多不再是来自考古遗址,而是来自中国和国际艺术品市场。因此,在过去的一个世纪中,从殷商占卜甲骨和大量的古代、中世纪手稿被发现这个角度来看,对周围的文物及其变化趋势的文化态度也在不断发生变化。
Imre Galambos博士——Péter Pázmány大学副教授
罗兰大学孔子学院中国多米诺牌培训班,欢迎感兴趣的观众参加。 本课程将由麻将专家叶秋月老师亲自执教。我们欢迎所有对这门中国传统智力游戏感兴趣的朋友!
2012 二月21(周二)
这一次,我们的观众可以欣赏陈凯歌的电影——《霸王别姬》,中文原声,英文字幕。在放映之前,Péter Herzum会介绍有关该剧的创作背景。
凭借此电影,陈凯歌获得了1993年嘎纳电影节金棕榈奖,以及1994年金球奖最佳外语片奖。 在大银幕上,谁没有看过飞行的站士、忠勇的士兵、关爱儿童亦或是赞叹爱人间的相思?在娱乐之外,中国电影还传达着他的文化和传统。
讲座- Zsolt Bartha 中国面临的挑战
地址:1088 Budapest, Muzeum krt. 4 / F
Zsolt Bartha,经济学家。